Turn the key to seamless social


Turn the key to seamless social.

You may already be familiar with our custom social advertising packages that have been available for the past few years. Our Turnkey Social product allows your dealership to be active with social ads throughout the month with focuses on conquest, retention and retargeting. If you’re already a DSplus platform user, Turnkey Social offers the opportunity to engage your customers and prospects beyond just email, into the social media space. And today, that’s more important than ever.

Many dealers are already taking advantage of our Turnkey Social product. And to kick off the new year, we are adding more package options—including our newest package, “Turnkey Light.” This package features three campaigns to cover both sales and service and includes a lower media budget so dealers of all sizes can take advantage.

No matter the package level, our Turnkey Social product helps you stand out from the rest of the pack. Here’s how:

  • Offers the opportunity to reach your current email “unreachables” with social ads instead, with a more surround-sound approach.
  • Ability to cleanse and format the CRM/DMS Data to ensure that there’s a high match rate through Facebook prior to running any campaigns.
  • Integration is seamless and works with your specific data for your PMA. All we need is the appropriate access to your drive.
  • Can apply data from your website, emails, Most Likely Buyers, DMS and CRM across the board to ensure that we’re targeting the right people for each matching campaign.
  • Has the ability to generate lookalike audiences based on your current dealership data to find customers who are similar to your Most Likely Buyers.
  • You can review the creative all of the metrics in real-time from the comfort of our platform, and from the same spot you’re already going for your Campaigns Plus reporting.

Across all package levels, we cover the data connection to Facebook, cleansing, data security, creative development, media placement and optimization, and platform access to ad previews and reporting. And that means Turnkey Social can keep working for you while you’re busy growing your business in other ways.

Want to hear more about our Turnkey Social product? Contact your DSplus Account Executive and we’ll help you find the package that’s right for you!